

Tess of the d’Urbervilles

Lektüre mit Audio-Online  

112 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-12-515257-1


13,20 EUR
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Zum Inhalt

The story, set in a poor rural area of England in the 19th century, centres around Tess Durbeyfield, a sweet, innocent country girl who is a victim of fate and her own beauty. When her lazy father finds out that his ancestors were the noble d'Urberville family, he dreams of winning back this glory for his own family. Tess, 16 years old at the start of the story and eldest of seven children, is pushed by her parents to go and work for Alec d'Urberville who will change Tess's life in a dramatic way. In the middle of the chaos caused by Alec d'Uberville, Tess meets Angel Clare. Will he love her forever as he promises, without judging her for her past? Or will Alec d'Uberville become her master? Read and find out.

In this reader you will find:

  • Information about Thomas Hardy and his times
  • Focus on section about Stonehenge
  • Glossary of difficult words
  • Comprehension and extension activities including B1 Preliminary style activities
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